2008年9月21日 星期日

Evanescence『Before the dawn』黎明以前的黑暗天使


原本以為當兵可以讓我存點錢,結果花錢反而花更兇。每次休假都會想要對自己好一點,一出軍營就像是猛虎出匣一樣,購買慾如熊熊烈火般燃燒無法撲滅。兩週前購入了美麗的iPod touch,真是捧在手上怕摔了,含在嘴裡怕化了!現在手上兩支iPod,可以好好分工一下。Touch專放流行樂,nano專放古典樂與電影配樂。因著這個安排,我重新整理了原本nano裡頭的歌,Evanescence的這首『Before the dawn』榮登兩年來最常播放歌曲第一名,把第二名Kelly Clarkson的『Because of you』遠遠拋在後面。


這首『Before the dawn』並沒有做商業的發行,它收錄在demo曲集「Not for your ears」中,在網路廣為流傳。我並不是Evanescence的歌迷,會聽到這首歌也是偶然地看到網路上有人剪輯了影集「Alias雙面女間諜」1~4季finale的精彩片段,配上這首歌,女主唱Amy Lee憤怒又充滿靈氣的歌聲將畫面裡絕望的美感傳達地太完美了。無論在任何情境之下播放這首歌,都教人貪戀地墜入這魅惑的氛圍之中。


Meet me after dark again and I'll hold you
I want nothing more than to see you there
And maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn
If only night can hold you where i can see you, my love
Then let me never ever wake again
And maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn
somehow i know that we cant wake again from this dream
it's not real, but it's ours
Maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn

Maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn

